Monday, August 21, 2017

Production Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Dell EMC XC Series Hyper-Converged Appliances Reference Architecture

This document provides the reference architecture for deploying a PCF production configuration onto Dell EMC XC Series hyper-converged appliances in a VMware vSphere environment.

Production Pivotal Cloud Foundry on VMware vSphere using Dell EMC XC Series Hyper-Converged Appliances Deployment Guide

This guide details the necessary steps to deploy and configure Production level Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) in a VMware vSphere environment using Dell EMC XC Series Hyper-Converged appliances. Combining Pivotal Cloud Foundry with Dell EMC XC Series Hyper-converged appliance with vSphere and NSX, enterprises can create a full-featured, tightly integrated cloud platform based on open technologies.