Friday, March 13, 2015

App-V 5.0 SP3 on Server 2012 R2 Scrolling Issue is Back

In App-V 5.0 SP3 web console, you may find that trying to scroll down your list of applications may cause the focus to jump back to the top of the list.  Here is a YouTube video of the problem when it occurred back in SP1.

When this was an issue back in App-V 5.0 SP1 Microsoft released a hotfix for it (  Now in SP3 the problem is back again.

I escalated this to Microsoft and it has been marked as a regression bug.  Microsoft said, "The current workaround is to export the Deployment and User Config XML files, make the necessary modifications in these files to turn on or off the features of the affected packages.  You can do this to an extent with Office 2013 but it is best to manipulate that package during the ODT packager process and the CustomConfiguration XML file."

A fix should be included in updates for App-V sometime later this year.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Adding EqualLogic SMP Storage Provider to SCVMM 2012 R2 fails with UR5 installed

This issue and resolution was discovered by my co-worker Jeremy Price.  All credit goes to him.  Posting here at his request to help get this out.

Users may experience errors in SCVMM 2012 R2 when adding EqualLogic SMP Storage Providers after Update Rollup 5 is installed.  The error ID will be 20413 and the error report will contain an exception as follows:

------------ exceptionObject.ToString() ------------
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: optionValue
   at Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Options.CimOperationOptions.SetCustomOption(String optionName, Object optionValue, CimType cimType, Boolean mustComply)
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataCenterManager.StorageUtil.PassThroughBase..ctor(String server, String provUser, SecureString provPassword)
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataCenterManager.StorageUtil.SMISPassThroughService..ctor(String server, String provUser, SecureString provPassword)
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataCenterManager.StorageUtil.ReplicationPassThroughService..ctor(String server, String provUser, SecureString provPassword)
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataCenterManager.StorageUtil.SCXArray.GetReplicationPTService()
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.DataCenterManager.StorageUtil.SCXArray.GetReplicationService(Boolean throwOnNull)
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.ImageLibrary.StrgArray.RefreshReplicationCapabilities(SCXArray scxArray)
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.ImageLibrary.StrgArray.Refresh(SCXStorageService scxService, StrgProvider provider, DiscoveryLevel discoveryLevel, String autoMgmtPoolId, StrgClassification autoMgmtPoolClassification, Boolean refreshReplicationCapabilities, Boolean useCachedArray)
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.ImageLibrary.StrgProvider.Refresh(SCXStorageService scxService, DiscoveryLevel discoveryLevel, Boolean useCachedArray)
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.Deployment.ImportStorageProviderSubtask.RunSubtask()
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.TaskRepository.SubtaskBase.Run()
   at Microsoft.VirtualManager.Engine.TaskRepository.Task`1.SubtaskRun(Object state)

This behavior is not specifically documented, but is addressed in Microsoft KB 3039296 with a hotfix for the Storage Refresher.

After applying the hotfix as indicated in the KB and restarting the System Center Virtual Machine Manager service, the errors no longer occur.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dell Client Integration Pack Warranty Tool URL

Dell Client Integration pack 4.0 and previous use an older asset service called Xserv.

I have heard that future versions may switch a REST service at  Until that switch is actually made, if you have a proxy, firewall, or other URL filtering service, make sure to add the following URL to your whitelist.