Update iDrac6 or iDrac7 firmware with ConfigMgr 2012
There are multiple ways to update iDrac firmware.
Recently I had a customer request that it be done specifically with
ConfigMgr 2012 because they didn't want to install any other tools at the time.
So here is how to do it silently for iDrac6 and iDrac7.
First we have to get the iDrac firmware version from all
servers by adding the class to the hardware inventory.
- Default Client Settings, Hardware Inventory, Add, Connect, servername, wmi namespace = root\cimv2\dell, check recursive. Check DELL_Firmware. Press OK all the way out to save. This will also give you the Lifecycle Controller firmware version on the servers.
- Trigger an event or wait for the Machine Policy Update to run.
- Trigger an event or wait for the Hardware Inventory Policy to run.
Next, we need to create collections based on iDrac
generation. There may be other ways to do this but I like to create a
folder and then inside each folder you can put the collections. You just
have to change the query rule next time you are ready to update all the iDracs
to whatever the latest version is at that time.
- Create one folder called iDrac6 and one called iDrac7.
- Create a collection called iDrac6 to show all machines with this iDrac under the folder for iDrac6.
- Use a Query rule to look for Dell_Firmware: Name equal to iDRAC6
- Create a collection called iDrac7 to show all machines with this iDrac under the folder for iDrac7.
- Create a collection called iDrac7 under the iDrac7 folder.
- Use a Query rule to look for Dell_Firmware: Name equal to iDRAC7
- Create a collection called iDrac6 - less than latest firmware
- Limit to iDrac6 collection
- Use a Query rule to look for Dell_Firmware: Version not equal to whatever the latest version is.
- Create a collection called iDrac7 - less than latest firmware
- Limit to iDrac7 collection
- Use a Query rule to look for Dell_Firmware: Version not equal to whatever the latest version is.
Now we create the package for each new version.
- Download the Update Package for Windows from Dell and put it in your source location.
- Create the iDrac6 firmware package.
- Select to Copy the content in the package to a package share on DPs.
- Distribute the package to the DPs.
- Create a new program in the iDrac6 package and name it after the firmware version.
- Will look similar to this “ESM_Firmware_G6N28_WN32_1.97_A00.EXE /s”. The /s on the end tells it to do a silent install.
- Run Normal or Hidden, Whether or not a user is logged on, and Suppress program notifications.
- Deploy the package and program to the iDrac6 – Less than latest collection created earlier.
- Repeat the same steps for the iDrac7 package making the necessary changes.